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Here's adding to the already mentioned reasons  on why both the Xbox and Gamecube  did poorly against the PS2.

  • the PS2 had 20 million console head start before the Gamecube or Xbox ever launched
  • at the time of PS2's launch most major name brand DVD players (i.e. Sony, Panasonic, JVC, Phillips ..etc) cost between $249-$349, the PS2 launched for $299.
  • the PS2 was the first console that was truly backwards compatible with their previous generation’s library
  • the PS2 was riding the wave of the PS1's 100 million console sales, while Gamecube was following the N64's 33 million sales
  • the PS2 had crazy unprecedented hype (even parodied by the Simpsons, see below)


Announcer: Krusty the Clown is brought to you by the new Gamestation 256: It's slightly the max!
Bart: 256. (groan) And I'm stuck with this useless 252? (he drop-kicks the 252 system into the fireplace, where it slowly melts)