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That was a great but sad story. i dont really know what can be done now, if your friendship with this girl is dead or if theres still a chance it can be salvaged.

imo, i think shes always known that you've had feelings for her, but never cared enough about you to treat you the same way you've treated her. this is just a base observation, obviously i could be wrong.

but you have to decide what you want, to be friends and silently bite your tonge everytime you see her, or be honest and scare her away. which is probabily whats happened now.

however from personal experience i've found that girls attitudes change over time. if she says one thing, then in a few months that may change. imo you just have to wait for the perfect moment. and not try too hard, or she can tell straight away.

i think you should appologise and tell her that your strong enough to control your feelings if shes still willing to be friends. and i think in time 'love grows'.

every dog has his day man. you can take my word on that!