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Casue it got the title of a kids toy. Games like REmake, RE4, Eternal Darkness, Metal Gear Solid are all kids games i guess. It had a very limited online but it was one of the best online games ever Phantasy Star Online. It had the best Zelda games on it cause of the Zelda collection and Wind Waker. Mario Sunshine was a great platformer but not a great mario game. Luigi's Mansion was an exellent launch title. That game blew me away when I first played it. Metroid Prime was an addictive FPS adventure game with great graphics and gameplay. Had every resident evil game on one console at the time. Played gameboy games and the highly adictive Animal Crossing with a great number of NES classics. Pretty good Dreamcast ports (sonic Adventure, Crazy Taxi, Skies of Arcadia). VERY VERY comfortable controller. O and how can anyone forget Super Smash Bros Melee. That game made sllepovers fun again. I always find it funny that people claim that the GameCube had no games when they had a very good line. Amazing the effect Halo 2 had on gamers last gen. That was the only GOOD exclusive the xbox had IMO. And it still beat the GameCube. I guess you needed a Grand Theft Auto game to be classified as a good gaming machine last gen.