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Nth said:
I'm still trying to figure out why someone who is so negatively positioned against the PS3 is trying to form an opinion about something he/she really doesn't care to know anything about.

The PS3 can take any laptop drive out there if anyone desires more space, and since the 500GB are hitting the market 5GB is just a drop in the bucket. SURE some people dont want to upgrade or dont care too, but any PS3 owner can tell you that deleting the system data for unused or unplayed games is no big deal at all. Why?

1) unused space is wasted space. Delete it and voila you can open up room.

2) Deleting the system data doesn't delete the saved data for any game on the PS3. So, removing the system data doesn't ruin your stats or progress.

3) most of the heavy space that fills a PS3 is most assuredly -demos- and those are always available for download again. Delete them at your leisure.

SO! It seems to me that really the only people that have a problem with this 5GB install are people -without- a PS3. Kinda strange dont you think?

That's a convenient means of dodging the issue. "It doesn't bother me and the three other PS3 owners in this thread, so its not a problem."

You see the problem here isn't whether or not this bothers pre-existing PS3 owners, but how this will affect the appeal of the PS3 for people who would have considered buying one in the future. And that's the real issue here. Though I'm sure you'll tell yourself that only people who would have never bought one in the first place find this to be troubling, I'm sure you know deep down inside that's a damned lie.