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Ail said:
naznatips said:
Ail said:

Lets keep going and deconstructing your posts because it is kind of funny.

Activision didn't loose money last year, they made 418 million$, they are projecting 650 million$ of profit for next year, that is fact straight from their financials, not imaginary numbers invented to make a point...


EA made a profit in 2010 and will make one in 2011 too, current consensus is 0.67$/share, with 305 millions shares outstanding that's a little under 200 million$.

Lying is not a good idea. All my figures are straight from reputable sources. I will call you on this.

EA's total losses over the last 3 quarter are about $300 million. In 2010 it was about $700 million. They have lost $1 billion in the last 2 years.

Thanks for demonstrating your bad understanding of financial numbers and Non GAAP.

You quote Joystick and Shacknews for financials.

I quote fidelity...

Guess which ones knows a little better about the financial world...


Hint : Those GAAP numbers you guys have been quoting around and that gets reprinted in gaming sites don't mean shit, Non GAAP is all that matters...........

The reality is the exact opposite of what you've just stated. I mean, you couldn't be more wrong. Non-GAAP is not an accurate financial meassure. It is an inflated, false, PR estimate. GAAP is the real, exact, information. It is the information required to be reported by the Federal Government. You are spreading some dangerous misinformation. I don't know where you got your knowledge of how to read and interpret financials, but please stop lying to people.