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Troll_Monster said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
Squall_Leonhart said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
Squall_Leonhart said:
I see some more completely unbiased posts coming from GGE as usual


So do you post anything relevant to discussion on the forum or is making cowardly attacks that dodge the issue at hand your only niche here? What? You can't think of anyway to actually defend the PS3 in this topic so you attack the easiest target instead? Brilliant.

25 minute install time = Not that big a deal

Filling up your harddrive and having to delete and or reinstall games to play them = Big deal!

Call it biased all you want I think you'll find anyone not with a reason to put the PS3 on the pedistal of perfection will agree this is a worrisome inconvenience. You don't have to be a Nintendo/MS fanboy to appreciate the "Oh-Shit" implications of this problem.

Yeah i agree that 25min install time is a pain, but its by no means the end all that you seem to be assuming. You say that people want the PS3 to be on the pedistal of perfecton, it by no means should be, but i'm sure you think that your beloved Wii should be up on that sparkly pedistal though...

So biased, its unbelieveable!

And tell me, why are you so afraid to address the problem with filling up the Hard Drive with such games? That's the real problem here, not the 25 minute load time.

Also, when did I say anything about Wii in all of this. It would seem the bias lies not on my shoulders here.

 Filling up the HDD or flash memory is an issue that applies to all current consoles, it's nothing just isolated to the PS3.

Anyways I would have assumed that people know how to manage their available free space, it's just a common thing to do when running low on HDD space on your PC, so really this should be a non issue for most since they should already be use to it from the PC side.

Nice dodge, but it won't work. The Wii has limited space but that's not a problem for gaming alone and an SD card is nothing compared to buying a new HDD. The 360 only has issues with limited space if you fill it up with non-gaming media or other crap making it a moot factor in this debate altogether.

The PS3 is an issue because simply to play the game you'll be filling up large amounts of hard drive space which, if this trend in PS3 games continues, will force you to reach either a very expensive or very inconvenient resolution where as with the Wii or 360 there is no such ultimatum. Sorry you can't side step this problem. The most anyone can hope for is that there aren't too many more games like this comming out for the PS3.