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Michael-5 said:
DonFerrari said:
Oblivion86 said:
DonFerrari said:
Oblivion86 said:
haxxiy said:
Pirateogta said:
Gilgamesh said:

I believe it's going to happen now that we really seen the numbers and what Move has done, the PS3 is selling number one and is looking to be the number one console for the Holidays. If GT5 releases this year which it should sales are really going to explode.

Sure the PS3 will probably not pass the X360 in actual sold numbers but shipped? I think so.

I doubt the PS3 will outsell the 360 for a single week for a long, LONG time after Kinect launches, but who knows about the ridiculous shipped numbers. They pretty much mean nothing. Every tracker (VGChartz, NPD, Media Create) showed that the PS3 sold far less in the Apr-June 2010 quarter than the previous quarter, but according to Sony it shipped more units. And anyone with any sense knows that there is no way the PS3 shipped 700,000 units more than the 360 this quarter with the release of the Slim, Halo: Reach, etc. It's almost laughable.

Nice way to begin posting, dude. You won't last far that way .

Go check ioi's explanation for the adjusments and learn a bit about how the market works before insulting everyone by posting such BS.

No actually bud he is right, taking into account the dramatic increase when the slim and Reach came out, PS3 wasn't ahead of the 360 again till late Nov.. As for the shipped number, those ABSOLUTELY DO NOT MATTER, all that matters is the sold-through number.


Sony could ship 10 million consoles tomorrow, but if they can't sell that number in the market frame then those units are shipped back. The number of PS3s on shelves compared to the sell-through by MS is not even close. When the actually sell-through number come in from Sony whenever they choose to release them, they will be way behind, just like the Move.

And Sony is so dumb that they keep over shipping their products year after year from 2007 to 2011.

Retailers are even more dumb as they keep it even if just to please sony, maybe ther is 10M PS3 sitting in hidden shelfs?

MS is ultra smart and always undership and this is the strategy to sell more...

You my friend is a genius.

Shipped number do not matter, I'm sorry you have yet to understand this.. MS doesn't undership, but they know the market-share and what their expected sales numbers are, Sony ALWAYS overships and then tells everyone how amazing their numbers are, please if you don't know what you are talking about don't respond, thanks.

Sony always overship and what happens to the consoles?? they get burned???

Shipped consoles also matters as they eventually get sold... and why everybody here make sure to say MS numbers are right and sony is wrong because one is closer to VG??? During the last 4 years sony always overshiped and MS always met demand, but even so retailers ask for more... they must be real dumb, maybe they should hire people here to run their bussiness better.

They get shipped back.

Dont forget, Kinect sold a lot better then anyone anticipated. It's outselling the Wii and Move, at launch, combined. MS just didn't ship enough consoles in time, and since the Slim is still relatively new, they probably could only ship so many.

PS3 Slim has been around for over a year, they had time to stock up retailers. Doesn't mean these systems will get sold anytime soon.

I agree with you that they can be shipped back... but to use the "overshipped excuse" for 3 years as some people here do is naive... they can't overship forever

About price cuts... sony can cut less because of production cost, MS can cut less because of entry price... no one can say who will cut more with certainty, and less say one will sell much more from it... and as you can't find a ps3 cheaper than a xbox360 a cut would virtually help PS3 more, but no certaint to it.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."