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Sales Discussion - WW up! - View Post

Nsanity said:
LivingMetal said:
Nsanity said:
Uberkiffer said:

I really don't care who is winning what, but it amazes me how many comments are backhanded insults at the 360 and its American fanbase. Too many folks in here think that the Americas are apprantly blindingly following the 360 simply because its based out of the US, and not Japan. To all of those fanboys, have you ever considered that maybe the 360's EMEAA sales may be higher if Microsoft had been in the console business for nearly 20 years and had opportunities to establish their brand across more of the globe?  I feel that 360 sales would be even higher if MS had Sonys sales pipelines in place; and that just makes me wonder what backhanded compliments would be issued then.

Well said.

Comic relief at its finest.  Brought to you by VGCartz!!!


And no, I did NOT Photoshop this.  This is "legit."