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This is awful .Not even providing links do you want to hear .I suppose Les Echos (subscriber of Gfk ) and Znet (who doesnt use this site as source for gods sake )and the french media doesnt know a thing but Ioi who must control over two stores data in whole France knows better .I am not the one who needs to prove anything but the other way around you know .Your twisted logic is starting to puzzle me .

Lets go to the facts .

Ioi controls some 2% retailer data in NA ,in Europe even less .The number of French stores for wich he has data must be counted with one hand fingers .He has had to changed his estimations for sales in Spain ,Germany ,France and Italy as evidencies surfaced via the GFk numbers leaked through some media in these 9 months and the claims of Sony ,Nintendo representatives when some milestones were reached .Adding that information has helped to see the sales trend and correct the numbers and weekly sales .So he did the correct thing and because of that the europe numbers are more accurate now.

Gfk doesnt make public their data nearly ever.Its newspapers and others Gfk subscribers(MCV,etc) that usually make articles with said data.The only exception seems to be Australia where Gfk gives their data each 4-6 months.So to access this kind of data ,neccesary to improve the accuracy of the site,we need to pay attention to this media.

MS representative claiming 500K (and probably even shipped) for end 2007 only gives credibility to the Znet and Les echos numbers.Its not a PR spin ,if it was it would be claiming way more dont you see.The fact that the MS claims more or less coincides with the info of Znet and Les Echos just adds credibility to this.

This is crystal clear .I have provided links and the Znet and Les Echos info coincides with the MS claims ,so after the current logic this is a solid number to think about.Now if anyone wants to say otherwise they should provide a link to the source that says otherwise.Provide a link to Gfk or french media or even a MS representative that says X360 is at 600K or PS3 at 400K something and then we will speak .Until then the only data available goes the other way .And no ,this site isnt a source it only tracks a handful of stores in France how the hell can it be a source for numbers.