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elticker said:
dib8rman said:
elticker said:



did i say its israels fault no i didn't so don't take what i say out of context. please spare me the god bullshit, christains were walking with muslims, muslims prayed in their way and so did christains in tahrir square so forming an islamic caliphate system is your dream not mine i am an egyptain and i have no dreams in an islamic caliphate, i do however have dreams about selling gas to israel for full price and supporting gaza and there being peace between israel and palestine. you my friend don't know the camp david account right which made us sell gas at full price back then but inflation has increased prices enourmously, it has been discussed on almost all egyptain channels the camp david account go read that then come back and speak rationally. people in egypt know what they want, its not because they want different things other than what you want means that they aren't aware. you do know egypt has the highest rate of kidney failure in the world i guess the medicine is helping alot when we pay for it, the government doesn't give us medicine for free we buy it, please egyptain universities where ranked in the top 500 before mubarak stepped to presidency since then universities have gotten worse and worse i guess all the money he took helped alot in improving universities. we want freedom, human rights, being able to live happily in egypt, we want to be the leaders of the arab world again i don't think thats too much to ask for especcaily with egypts resources and geographical location.

I've already said that the gas prices are estimated by OPEC,  the prices and the process that each country sells gas per gallon differs based on the various charges. In other words even if both Israel and Egypt were getting gas at $50 a barrel if internally your charges were different the prices could be different on the street. The difference between prices per barrel can also come by the % regulated by each government or government agencies, most time's it's OPEC and each government. Israel pays around $75 a barrel for Suez brew, which again considering the geography and the extra charges mentioned that might be more affordable or omitted I don't see where they are getting dirt cheap oil.

The only reason this is true is because in Israel and the US at least and I'm not sure about Egypt, vendors are not allowed to make money from the natural gas itself. At this point your dealing with nothing subjective. The pricing difference may have more to do with how much is being covered by tax payers... (bond holders)

Second whatever position Egyptian  higher education facilities are in doesn't change that a vast amount of money (billions) have been spent on civil ordinances over only the last 10 years. I have a number for the educational ones but I honestly don't know the money that was sunk into medicine.

What god bullshit? Your starting to condescend and at this point I'd wonder who is thinking rationally? And Muslim or not it doesn't make a lick of difference, I should have quoted you on the Israel part, then you couldn't have brought up a contextual issue later... Oh well.

I also do watch Al Jazeera from time to time, I assure you that you can rely on them as much as Americans can rely on their major news channels. In the end you have the best news source: the internet, its forums like this where hopefully raw info and points of view can be shared. Do not think that because I am sharing mine that many others consider this point of view. I play off the cliche's which are usually over looked factoids and I share them when I want to, and if the cliche hit's a nerve I've done my job.

Just because someone isn't seeing it your way doesn't mean you should call it bull shit. If you want take up the exercise then find me one nation sustained in democracy with enlightenment values in history that also has theocracy politically implemented.

I'm not saying it's just about getting god out of their government but I am saying it's a step in the right direction. That's just me being realistic. If you want my opinion, if you'd have me it's very short:

I wish Egypt would form an Anarchism with a Libertarian Capitalism.

But I HIGHLY doubt that will happen and it doesn't mean I am saying they must do it, don't be absurd who am I?


Looking back at this post I see your response has become personal because most of my response seems to be describing my position, at the end of the day I couldn't begin to point out all of the angles dealing with geopolitics here on a forum. (My ex-wife could only because she loves to type.) The information is there though… Actually guess I could go to the old cliché and sum up all nations of the world foreign policy with the middle east in three words. “blood for oil”

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

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The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D