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BenVTrigger said:
Silver-Tiger said:

First bashing the controller of the PS3 and then mocking one of the biggest upcoming exlcusives.

I'm looking forward to the sales of Bulletstorm on PS3.


I wonder if they makee the PS3 version inferior with intention, just to show how "worse" the PS3 is.

You guys keep running around and saying this stuff and yet he's obviously not a fanboy for any console.  He's releasing Bulletstorm on PS3, already released Unreal Tournament on PS3, and is currently developing games for the NGP.  I just think he's giving PS3 only fans trouble because how uptight you guys are about this stuff.  Seriously around here lately it seems like if anyone disagrees with something Sony or Playstation related they are instantly a "fanboy" and everything negative about them is considered an attack.


Please don't compare me with a Sony fanboy. I se that as an insult. I just think his comments are somewhat dumb.

I wouldn't make a difference if some Sony exec would make such comment on a MS exclusive.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.