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Booh! said:
disolitude said:
Booh! said:

Only -13.14% on the stock market; pretty good, i must say, Palm went out of business for its deal with MS :D

Funny but not really true. Palm was bought by HP and de-branded. Never went out of business.

And if they didn't do this, they would have went out of business because of this -

They stopped using WM in 2008 and 2009 was way too late to introduce a new single handset OS and expect relevant marketshare. WebOs is great, and hopefully HP is able to move it forward with Palm Pre...

As far as Nokia, it may be a good time to buy their shares this year when it reaches its low point. After restructuring in 2012 their stock should bounce back.

Hahaha, I know, I just emphasized it a little bit. However they now have to ditch one of their operating systems and it seems that it will be Symbian (s60, perhaps s40 will survive).

Thats why their shares are going down...all the R&D for Symbian and Mego on their end is going to waste. Doesnt RIM use Symbian for some devices still?

Even if symbian dies, is it a big deal? I had a Symbian device for 2 years (nokia e71) and it was good, but it clearly was dated. I found this out once I got a WP7 last christmas... it was like going from a PS1 to a PS3.