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First off, I've read a plethora of articles discussing the pro's and con's between VII and VI for years. This article has to be, by far the most biased piece of shit i've ever read in my life. For instance;

"Now, for FFVII, it has much of the same problems as IV and more.  The gameplay is just as outdated and bad.  The characters are boring with Cloud being only slightly better than Vaahn and Sephiroth one of the most boring villains of all time.  The story knows it's uninteresting and tries to hide it by making itself confusing."


You had one thing right, the gameplay is just as outdated and bad as VI, however, for the characters being boring, I did not feel that way at all, and I would bet my life in saying that 90% of the folks that enjoyed the game as much as I did would also say that is a pile of shit.


Sephiroth being the most boring of villains? the ONLY Villain in ANY other Final Fantasy and COUNT THEM, because there are 14 Final Fantasies now (That's alot of villains), Kefka is the ONLY other villain that comes remotely close to the calibur of Sephiroths Character.


The Storie is uninteresting? Why is it myself and a plethora of others can and have played this game front to back over 15 times since it's initial release. Because the story is THAT bad?!?! no... it's because it's THAT good, that I can't even get back into VI because it's story is shallow compared too....


In conclusion, I don't need to read any more of your article to say it wasted 15 mins of my life, and i regret stumbling upon this pathetic excuse for a 1 sided biased article. That being said however, the presidence of this article and the sheer lack of regard definitely was worthy of a response. That was not a waste of my time.


*edit*: in FACT, This article has disgusted me so much that i'm going to start a brand new game of FFVII tonight on my PSP Go and bask in eurphoria, because it's simply the greatest game ever made.

You're confusing personal bias for objective fact, move along.

Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.