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I would love to see Mother 1 3 ported to 3DS. Actually I would be just as happy if Mother 1 3 were brought to Virtual Console on 3DS or Wii. However I don't think Nintendo wants too, that or BrownieBrown has specifically told Nintendo not to.

Fact is got tens of thousands infact I think over 100k in signatures in the past to bring Mother 1 2 and later Mother 3 to North America. Despite all the signatures , the campaigns of even fans translating them . Nintendo continued to stand its ground.

Will we see Mother 4? I only beat EarthBound (Mother 2) So I don't know how the plot plays out in 3. But it seems to me that shigesato itoi does not want their to be another one.

However have faith as fans are taking over the series. Mother 4 is in development for the PC by a group of fans. Sure it won't be shigesato itoi but hopefully the fans will create a game worth playing.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer