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I have already said multiple times that the Wii just needs Pokemon and a clever redesign to regain a strong momentum.

But hardware sales are not a big issue for Nintendo anymore. It really doesn't matter how many units the Wii is going to sell this year. The installed base is already huge and should be big enough to have amazing software sales which at the end of the day is what really matters for Nintendo. Nintendo games are indeed selling amazingly well on this platform thanks to it. But not third party games and third party support is still very poor and this situation is just not healthy for the platform. That's still the biggest problem of the platform and the only one Nintendo should care about. And another Wii_game won't solve this at all. Nintendo must release games that third party can do as well : 2D and 3D platform games are some making the release of games like EM and Sonic colours possible and successful. But that's not enough.

That's why games like Xenoblade, The Last Story, probably Pandora's Tower even Zelda but more importantly DQX and hopefully a true Pokemon game are what they really need from a strategic standpoint. Even if some of these games doesn't sell very well releasing more of these kind of software, basically JRPGs or adventure games, can help them to finally have enough hardcore gamers to create at least a healthy market for third party hardcore games as well. Releasing a true Pokemon RPG and DQ  in few months especially could be a fanatstic opportunity to finally reach that goal.

This is what should really matter for Nintendo right now and how well they can finally tackle this issue will certainly be more important for the future of the Wii than anything else.