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Cirio said:
zgamer5 said:

controls are very easy to manage. ive your having troubles lower the sensivity. its a shooter everything is repetitive. operations is also clustered buts thats the good thing about it(well in one area). people are still playing kz2 people wont get bored from it. what were you expecting from the beta? its a multiplayer beta with 1 map, and from what weve seen its not even the best map.

I've messed around with the sensitivity quite a lot. When I lower it, it becomes too slow and clunky like in Killzone 2. When I increase it, I can't control my aim or movements. There just doesn't seem to be a happy medium for me like there is in other shooters such as Resistance and Halo. I don't understand what you mean by "every shooter is repetitive" because every match I play in CoD or Halo feels like a new experience. I dunno why, but everything seems the same in this game. There are certain spots (at least in this map) where people always clutter up and the game just plays in those areas; it's nothing fresh. The gameplay is either really slow or really chaotic where you have Infiltrators running into the enemy spawn and trapping them with shotguns.

Maybe this game isn't for me. I hope it does well but 'll be looking forward to the Resistance 3 beta; hopefully I'll enjoy it more.

things being clustered up depends on modes. if your playing warzone and operation then people will we playing the objective and people will be going towards a certain area. infiltrators are really easy  catch. when you pull your aim at them it becomes red. also theirs something called tactic and spawn points lets say your guarding points a and your spawn is behind it your not going to have an ally coming from the front.

Being in 3rd place never felt so good