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@m2105  ok, let me stop you right there, I was just correcting you on how you said that Wii brought back the SNES days, thats crap pure and simple, the big sellers on WII are those exercise games and those dancing games, which have NO equivalent on the 16 bit consoles. oh sure your platformers 2d and otherwise do good, but those have always done well, especially on Ninty consoles. Most of the chicks i speak NEVER played video games, at all. And they all bought WIi to play WiiFIt or Sports. and they get bored and never pick it up again or go play Bejewled on whatever smart phone they have.

But I give Ninty credit for WiiFIt that is an ingenious product, but lets keep it real here WIIFit is not a substitute for actually getting one's ass outside or to the gym and doing a real workout. WiiFit is just another exercise bike or whatever hot new "easy to get in shape crap" companies love to push on poor people who dont know better. Just because it sells doesnt mean it works, (FYI i actually did try it at an Ex's one time and it is a well made product, but anyone who actually believes it will get them in shape, I have some ocean front property to sell them)

I dont know how your getting this whole "mindset" I didnt say anything of the kind