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Yeah I have said this many time b4. We will get a WiiHD that will be similar to the capabilities of a PS3 in like 2012 but with all of the same features of the Wii now. Channels, complete backward compatability with GC and Wii. A better overall wiimote. MS might not be there though. MS might figure that the hardware business is too much of a loss and not impacting their other divisions as well as they had hoped. Thus, maybe no 720. However, if they do it will probably be a similar jump to xbox -> 360 but with a controller change more like ps3's. Sony will do what sony does. They will be late to the party agian, with a more powerful machine. Not quite as big a jump as this round. They won't make the price mistake again. All in all, WiiHD will be less powerful again, but be 1/2 the price and this time out first. It will be like stepping from a GBA to a DSL.