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I don't see this as overshipping by sony.  It's pretty clear that Sony has opened new markets these past couple of years where they don't face competition and it allows them to keep pace with MS sales in major markets.  It seems pretty clear that in areas where MS and Sony compete (excluding Japan) MS probably out shipped Sony by about a million units this last quarter.  But with non competitive areas Sony makes up those shipment numbers.  It also explains why Sony has more units in the pipeline than MS and Nintendo.  a gap of 1 to 1.5 million between Sony shipped and sold is reasonable considering the the additional number of markets it has to supply.  Meanwhile it makes more sense to have a lower gap number between MS's shipped and sold numbers because they have less areas to keep supplied.


There is no reason to criticize the hard work Vgchartz employees are doing, they seem to have the sales figures spot on and made the correct adjustments during the difficult holiday tracking season.