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BenVTrigger said:
endoftheworld166 said:
BenVTrigger said:

First of all these Sony shipment numbers are confusing me. I know at Gamestop we've actually been overstocked on them for a while so maybe Sony overshipped or something.

Also I don't see that happening, I fully expect a 360 price drop this year, plus with Kinect and Gears 3 I expect the 360 to outsell PS3 in 2011.

What's confusing they shipped that many, their shipped numbers always look high but they rarely are they can't always be over-shipping, since it's the retailers that order them 

I'm not neccessarily claiming that Sony has overshipped I'm just saying the numbers don't look right.  They must be selling more units in Europe than America's by a huge amount.

I've seen some of company numbers and the 360 absolutley slaughtered the PS3 company wide this holiday, it wasn't even close. We had consistant stock company wide on all PS3 models while we had huge shortages on 360 which probably also were part of the reason 360 shipments looked low, they couldn't meet demand. 

I'm not basing this off of fomulas or personal "well I went to my local wal-mart and it looked like this" stuff.  I've seen the numbers SOLD to consumer for a huge chunk of the company and something is off.  As I said I expect Europe must be the reason shipment numbers are so high for Sony.

You do realize the world is bigger the Europe and America right? Sony ships to like 150 countries, more then even nintendo, ps3 beats 360 pretty much everywhere but NA and UK so it's no real surprise it's numbers look high when you fail to account for that many countries