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KylieDog said:

After much playing I have concluded that map design blows and have all the problems seen in KZ2 maps, the class abilties have just got stupid, weapon balance is crap, spawncamping is just as bad as KZ2 and that GG have done nothing to fix the problem of people just going for kills in objective games and still scoring as high as the people who tried to follow the point of the game.


Crap.  GG seem to be all visuals and worthless when it comes to gameplay side of things.


Oh and they removed squad spawning, so game is just a cluster of random people.

The hell. Most of Killzone 2's maps were great.

I agree that Killzone 3's map design sucks, but they suck especially bad in comparison to awesome maps like Salamun Market an Radec Academy from Killzone 2.