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Hyruken said:
Carl2291 said:
Hyruken said:

If your talking hardware sales overall then yes. if your talking about hardware this generation and money made then no.

For 2010 in Japan between the Wii,PS3 and 360 3.425m consoles were sold. Where as in the UK 3.639m consoles were sold.

So technically because this is a thread about the 360 and PS3 he is right. In terms of just those 2 consoles combined last year only 1.7m were bought in japan. Where as 2.4m were sold in the UK.

Meaning UK sold more next gen consoles then Japan last year.

Now there are many reasons for that such as 360 not doing well in comparison to the others in Japan. But doesn't make the comparison un-fair. It just means people in the UK are happy to buy anything no matter where it is from. Because of that attitude means console sales are higher.

So in terms of next gen consoles i.e 360 and PS3 UK is a bigger market then Japan. Is as he said the 2nd biggest next gen market in the world currently.

I have not checked but i imagine software wise it is the same.

I'm talking total HW sales, not just PS3/360. Japan is a bigger market for videogames than the UK is. If he was talking just the 2 HD consoles then sure, he's right on the point that they are the 2 largest markets. 

My main point is... It's stupid touting 2 countries as to why a console will win, when there are MANY other countries in this World.

For sure, i 100% agree!

He's right and there's another game console called the THE WII that's in the equation that gamers for some small reason seem to forget is beating the pants off that 2 HD consoles. LOL!! It's amazing how the fight for 2nd place starts so many threads. Did we have this many threads between the XBox and Gamecube last generation?


'gaming till I'm gone'