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A well reviewed game that had a pretty good marketing campaign, a free Wii accessory bundled in with every copy (motion plus) at launch and it was being released to a market that was in need of a more interesting title outside of the standard shovelware and random Nintendo game and it still bombed. I still blame the audience. Forum goers have been crying over the apparent lack of effort being shown by Third Parties and when one of them does make a legitimate effort to produce a quality title for the Wii, it falls and burns and as soon as the first month of sales come in, Wii fans all over the internet suddenly turn on the title and start shitting on it, only to hide that it was a good third party game that failed on the Wii.

The people who brought up Zelda, Donkey Kong, Golden Eye, Resident Evil, Mario and Monster Hunter as examples that 'hardcore' games can sell on the Wii, are you really referencing some of the largest names and franchises in gaming as examples that new 'hardcore' titles can sell on a platform? PSP software sales are dead and even Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker could still pull in over a million sales just on the name. The same audience that buys Zelda, Golden Eye and Donkey Kong aren't going to be the same people that buy No More Heroes, Deadly Creatures and Muramasa. 

The poster who brought up Bionic Commando, Nier, Dark Void and Lost Planet 2 should also probably understand that three out of those four titles received no marketing at all, 2 out of those four were repeatedly delayed, all of them outsold Red Steel 2 and all of them are games that were reviewed unfavorably and thrown to an audience that has seen hundreds of similar games on their platforms already and many of them are of much higher quality. The only issue that Red Steel 2 suffered from that was similar to the above titles is that it was delayed once in 2009. Enslaved would have been a better example of a well reviewed game that got some decent marketing in the UK (or so I've read) and legitametly bombed, even though there have been very few games with a similar concept. Games bomb on all platforms, but I've seen far more quality games bomb on the Wii, than I have on the HD consoles.

Again, I'll add that I like to debate and I sometimes make silly arguments to start these debates, so please don't jump down my throat, I just enjoy reading well thought out posts and hopefully come up with a witty enough response  to cover my ass when my argument is shredded to pieces.

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.