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Its alittle early to be called a failure. Infact Sonic Unleashed barely outsold it in the same time frame selling only 782,333. Also lets look at it this way UbiSoft said they would consider Red Steel 2 a success if it sold 500k so Sonic Colours has already topped 500k so I would consider it a success.

Now Sonic Colours also has another year to go on the market before Sega starts cutting price. One thing with Sonic games is they have long legs. I'd say lifetime sales of about 1.5-mill maybe not the most successful Sonic game but definatly a success in both my eyes and probably Sega's.

Also keep in mind that Unleashed on 360 and PS3 combined only sold 1.4-mill and that was with a much larger budget. Sonic Colours was probably pretty cheap to develop and sales like these have no doubt brought Sega a nice profit. But will Sega port their next Sonic title to 360 and PS3 as well? Probably it means more profit and honestly I think Sonic Colours would have sold just the way it is on any platform.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer