darkknightkryta said:
snakenobi said:
Crystalchild said:
knewing that w/o being a member. :>
yes, the PS3 is, theoretically, much stronger than 360 Wii combined. The Problem is, that the stuff inside the 360 is more opted for gaming than the PS3, so much of this power is gone to waste.
what do you mean being opted for gaming?
the main problem with the PS3 was its architecture which was completely different from the existing computer architecture but had more capabilities at low price and it would be expensive to extract the same performance out of the existing architecture
360 architecture was the same as computers
and Wii was too
Interesting that you say that, cause back at release the 360's GPU was very different from current GPUs with its unified shader architecture, yet the PS3 believe it or not was closer to PC at the time, except with an alien processor (Though the 360 had an alien processor at the time too, though not as alien as what the PS3 had).
360 had a unified structure but its workings were the same as the computers being used
CELL on the other hand was and still is different from normal computers out there
you talk about that time and now as if alot has changed.its not.