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Khuutra said:
axt113 said:
Khuutra said:

I have to say that I have never used so many words to say so much to one person who took away so little.

You missed the point where hardware isn't where they make most of their money; software is. And they need to make software to-

You know what

I'm not typing that again

You missed where I pointed out, that its not that easy, first off they sell software on their hardware, so having more hardware is necessary to selling more software, 100 consoles willalmost certainly give more software sales than 1 console.

Secondly, console movers sell more, both to new buyers and existing buyers, NSMB and Wii fit were examples of this, as a result, it is better for Nintendo to produce console sellers.

So my point is that console movers make more money for Nintendo than non-console movers

That's often true, but how can you ignore the point that they never know which games are going to be the break-out ultra hits? Iwata has confirmed that more than once.

And how can you ignore that hardware exists to sell software, not the other way around?

And that limited hardware production capacity necessitates software made specifically to appeal to existing customers, and improve the library on the whole to give long-term hardware boosts that can't be directly linked to a single game?

How do you miss all this?

Certain mistakes are excusable, such as a Wii music, there will always be some games that flop, but companies need to make course changes once failure occurs and avoid making similar games in the future, however there is no excuse for repeated failure, creating multiple 3D mario  games, or making an other M game, or a skyward swrod when it was clear to anyone those would flop, is a horrible blunder by nintendo, and something that should not happen in the future, a waste of resources.

Hardware exists to give a platform upon which to sell software, but without the software, people will not buy the hardware, so its still software that sells the hardware, the hardware is the platform for the games, if no compelling software exists, people will not buy the hardware.

Except hardware moving games do a far better job of giving long term boosts and improving the library than non hardware moving games