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axt113 said:
Khuutra said:

No, he doesn't; historical trends for different Mario franchises indicate differently, and you repeating this falsehood is not going to make it somehow less false.

That it didn't appreciably move hardware in Japan is already acknowledged; that it did not do so anywhere else is impossible to prove. You are beating a dead horse in attempting to prove it.

Actually you prove my point, saying that different Mario franchises merely provesmy point, as 3D mario has a dismal track record worldwide, only Mario 64 did well, and that was more because of the novelty of 3D at the time, 3D Mario has done poorly wordwide in moving hardware, on the GCN and the Wii, 2D and Kart have done extremely well wordlwide, so my point remains unbroken, if Galaxy was capable of moving hardware, we would have seen the movement in Japan as well.


First: that wasn't a complete thought. If you want to say something, you have to say it, as opposed to not saying it.

Secondly: the two ideas are not related. You can't strengthen an unrelated point, since it is unrelated. 3D Mario's relative strength has diddly to do with system seller status for Galaxy in Japan vs. Worldwide.

Thirdly: Bringing up GCN and N64 eras are dangerous, since 3D Mario performed almost as well as or better than Mario Kart during those times.

Fourthly: your assertion that the only duty of first-party software is to move hardware is immensely narrow, irresponsible, and flagrantly wrong. You shouldn't even be saying it, but if you find yourself having to say it then at least have the good grace to realize how ridiculous the idea is.