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@jlauro  1-2 mil sales for a game with an install base of 80 mil is NOT good, i dont care how cheap they are to make. Which goes back to why some people might think its not even really worth it too port. Alot of people like to use the RE4 argument, but IMHO I think the PS2 sales of that game is much more impressive. not that the Wii version was bad.

@lordtheknight  Im not trying to say they shoule buy whatever, im saying the excuse people make for games flopping is that the competition is too stiff. I could see that, but the Wii has no such reason, I gotta wonder what Wii owners do. Its not like there is a slew of FPS, Fighters, etc on WIi, so what do they do to get their fix?? do they say screw it and go back to playing Mario Kart or do they just go to a friends house? It has to be a two way street, you say that there are lack of those games on Wii, well they dont buy the games that ARE their so why would I developer waste anymore time. YOu cant say that Wii gamers dont buy these games cause there just not that good and then go to say there arent enough games. If they suck that bad you wont support them no matter how much they are. Devs waste time and money and gamers get games they dont like.

THe sales for FPSs on Wii were NEVER like the HDs thats crap pure and simple. COD3 did better than the PS3 version but still paled in comparison to the 360. thats just one game. What happened to WAW??? What happened to Black Ops?? The MOHs sold like crap on Wii (with good reason), no one really cared for Conduit. THe fact is that your gonna get maybe 1.5 mil sales for FPSs on Wii and thats IF they are actually good. Contrast that to what HDs games usually do and you can see why publishers arent rushing to push that genre on WIi. The audience for that has just not GROWN, where on PS3 it has despite it used to getting inferior ports to its HD rival