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landguy1 said:


This is based on my own personal travels, but i travel for a living.  I have been traveling throughout the upper midwest regions of the US.  I like to hit all the local stores for various reasons as I travel.  I have seen very few 360's during the first 3 weeks of January, but have seen that change the last week or so.  But as far as the PS3 goes, STUFFF!!!!  At one Best Buy alone, they had PILES/Stacks of them.  I thought it odd, so i tried to count and they had atleast 150 of them just stacked on the floor.  I could have thought that was an anomoly, but 2 days later at another Best Buy, they had something similar(at least 100 ).  I also went to a local walmart after going to the second Best Buy and they don't put their stock out on the floor.  I was talking to the guy that works in the electronics area and he said they had a massive pallet full in back, and that they had it since before christmas.  This is only a small sample of the number of stores that i went to, but i will tell you that just about all of them were similar.

Again, this isn't everywhere.  Just my own experience.  No, Sony did not lie about their shipped numbers, that's for sure.

andddd I'm calling bull shit.  I've never in my lifetime seen 150 PS3's on the floor of a retailer outside of the holiday season.  You're full of shit.

EDIT: This post has been moderated for flaming. -d1

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.