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EncodedNybble said:

God people and there "they overship!!!! OMFG!"  Seriously, if Sony "overships" then, guess what, retailers won't be asking for more shipments come next quarter, and the quarter after, etc. etc.  So if they overship now, the numbers would show it in following quarters.

People have been saying Sony has overshipped for a while now and I don't see any numbers really backing them up.

It's actually been an entire year now that people have used that excuse.  Well, either that or Sony is lying.  And yes, it is annoying.

@ D-Joe

That's actually pretty spot on.  However, it is hard to believe that the 360 only had ~ 300K left on shelves in the entire world.  I know there were shortages in America, but that should have made it maybe ~ 1 mil on shelves.  Also, as I stated before, if you are to believe these numbers as accurate, MS is having an incredible 1st quarter.  I mean it sold the rest of the 300K and ~1 mil more in Jan, when Sony is expected to SHIP 2 mil for Jan-Mar, and it's on track to outsell the 360 for Jan according to weekly numbers here.  For MS to even pull that off would mean there are no shortages, which we know there were in Jan for America.