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Kynes said:
ElGranCabeza said:
D-Joe said:
makingmusic476 said:
kingofwale said:
bluthunder said:

PS3 HW - 6.3m
PSP HW - 3.6m
PS2 HW - 2.1m

PS3 SW - 57.6m
PSP SW - 16.5m
PS2 SW - 5.3m

6.3 million shipped vs thesource's prediction of 6 million shipped (OP post)

looks like an adjustment is soon to follow, again

It's a mere 5% difference.  Not much reason to adjust.

right,i check last 3 month VGC,no need to adjustment(well thats because already adjusted last week)

Incorrect, VGC has the 360 ahead of the PS3 by 4.2 million units, shipment data does not match that.

As has been explained several times, where are those consoles? VGC matches the other tracking firms, and they can't put the consoles in the void. They are probably in very hard to track countries.

You really want me to tell you where those consoles are? Either way that's a very poor explanation. VGC uses a formula to calculate sales, obviously they're not accounting for all regions. Manufacturers must report total shipment numbers and cannot lie on those numbers. Bottom line, VGC numbers are off.