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DarkintheLight said:
Squilliam said:
DarkintheLight said:
Squilliam said:

Seriously people the density of this discussion on exclusives is approaching that of lead.

Microsoft still had better/more impacting exclusives that Sony. Exclusives which turned an automatic major win for Sony into a minor victory for Microsoft in total consoles sold.

Gears of War in the hand in 2006 is better than three Uncharteds in the bush for 2007, 2009 and 2011 combined.

Halo 3 in the hand in 2007 is better than Resistance 2 / 3, Killzone 2 / 3, SOCOM IV and MAG combined at a later date in a post Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare environment.


The earlier the game comes out against a far smaller library of total games, 3rd party or exclusive, the more impact it has on the generation. Microsoft got their exclusives when it actually counted and there was still a large fluid userbase of core gamers to snatch up.

Did you really use an ect. after 2 games? 3 is minimum for doing that with any credibility. Yes those games did more then any individual ps3 exclusive but those 2 are for the most part the only ones that did anything substantial for MS

3 is minimal? Says you. I put 'etc' because people who like to make asinine statements tend not to read much.

If you want substantial? How 'bout this.

Xbox 360 sales = PS3 sales.


Xbox 1 sales = 1/6th PS2 sales.

Substantial effin difference, even accounting for the Wii.

This is what typically happens:

Persons leg is on fire, person is in denial that leg is on fire, wonders why leg feels like its burning. That is how I interpret people who get all crazy into thinking that Microsoft had sucky games and then wonder why the Xbox 360 was performing so well relative to the PS3.


Um 360 success has more to do with a year head start, ps3's extremely high price early on and lack of a good launch line-up and timed exclusives far more then it does halo and gears 

Sure, dip your leg into denial. It quenches the flames right?

It's really great mental acrobatics to miss the fact that inspite of the high price of the PS3, people still needed a reason to buy the Xbox 360. If both the Xbox 360 and PS3 sucked then people would have either bought neither or Wii or PC or they would have waited until one of them become compelling enough to actually buy.
