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@gumby trucker  you've made alot of sense and I generally agree with most of what you posted, I love the game myself and finished it but I could see how some would find it repetitive. In my case I just played the game in short burst, about 45-60 mins at a time. and a better story would have helped. Im hoping if they do a followup they go back to the setting of 1 and keep the controls of 2 and put back in multiplayer

@rolstoppable  launches suck, people should just wait until a system has games they actually want instead of buying crap and give publishers a false sense of success, thats a discussion for another day.

I totally agree with the pirate issue however, you have to admit at least those pirates were interested in the game so it must not have been that bad. My thing is this IMHO this is one of those games that are not subpar, there is no Red Steel 2 equilavent on the HDs, if we were talking COD then yeah, most people interested would just buy the HD version since its going to most likely be better. My point is here is game that is straight up in line with what the Wii intially said it would deliver and different gaming experience and people didnt support it.  Even those few games that actually had effort put in them and dont suck pale in comparison to the HD sales. Its not so much as blaming the Wii audience, but lets keep it real. the WiiFit/Just Dance crowd would never look at these games anyway no matter how much ads or how well its done. So its already an uphill battle for 3rd parties. and people might not believe it but that WiiCrowd is much bigger than the core Wii only gamer