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"Adolescent girls who play age-appropriate video games with their fathers are happier, healthier and have better family connections than those who don't."

A new study released today looks into girls playing video games. The study follows girls who both played video games with their family and those who did not. The study found that girls who played games "were better behaved, felt more connected to their families, were less aggressive and less likely to be depressed." the study also studied boys but did not get similiar results.

The researchers who conducted the study say "I think we can encourage more parents to play video games with their kids, especially age-appropriate games," Laura Padilla-Walker from Brigham Young University (BYU)

So wow just wow. All these years of Nintendo and companies trying to get girls to game and its apparently good for their health. I guess its a bonding experiance that can't be found anywhere else. I really didn't expect to see such good results.

What do you think isn't this great or what, time to get your daughters playing the latest MarioKart!



"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer