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During the N64 days, Rare released almost 2 big titles every single year.

1996 - KI Gold
1997 - Blast Corps, Goldeneye, Didy Kong Racing
1998 - Banjo-Kazooie
1999 - Jet Force Gemini, Donkey Kong 64
2000 - Perfect Dark, Banjo -Tooie
2001 - Conker's Bad Fur Day

Plus 6 GBC titles during that time frame.

Retro has released 5 games in 8 years across 2 consoles.   Sure all 5 are great but Rare managed twice the number of great titles in just 6 years all while establishing new franchises and re-igniting old ones.


I love Retro Studios and believe them to be one of the best development studios out there.  But during the N64 days, Rare simply cannot be looked down upon.

The rEVOLution is not being televised