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inFAMOUS 2 is the sequel to the highest rated super hero sand box game inFAMOUS. Sucker Punch Productions has been hard at work with their second game this generation, and if its anything like the first one then be prepared for a electrifying joyride (pun intended). Any questions? Just ASK! 




The game is set in a new city called New Marais, a New Orleans-inspired city, which protagonist Cole McGrath heads to in order to enhance his electrical powers further. The game begins with Cole fighting the Beast in Empire City, barely escaping with his life. Cole, along with his friend Zeke, flees to New Marais to prepare for his inevitable encounter with the Beast; this is the location where the Ray Sphere was created. Cole encounters the Militia, a shadowy group led by a man named Bertrand, and the Corrupted, horribly mutated beings affected by the Ray Sphere. The Militia has taken over New Marais in an attempt to keep all superpowered or abnormal things away. Cole encounters Wolfe, one of the men involved in the Ray Sphere's creation. Cole will combat the Corrupted and Militia, explore New Marais, and learn about himself, Kessler, and The First Sons along the way while gaining new abilities to confront the Beast.


Game Development


The design of the main character, Cole, initially underwent many changes, to the extent of making him look like a different character. However, after being "taken aback by the uproar of fan support for the original Cole," Sucker Punch combined elements of the original with the new design. Some of Cole's clothing was changed to suit the setting of the game. The voice actor was also changed because Sucker Punch, now using motion capture technology, needed someone who could do Cole's facial features and his voice.

The cut scenes have been improved with motion capture technology to create a more cinematic experience. The stylized cut scenes from the first will carry over into the sequel, they will be reserved for bigger moments in the game.

The melee combat in the game has been redesigned from the original, changing the experience to be more smooth and involving. Cole's powers have also been reimagined to include the use of the ice element. Sucker Punch also insinuated that the players' ethical decisions in the first game may also affect the second, saying that they wouldn't want to "disappoint" fans who may have spent hours earning their reputation, but would also need to factor in if the player had not played the first game.

Sucker Punch was using around 30% of the cell processor by the end of Infamous, and that for Infamous 2, they were "creeping up over 50 and 60%, because [they] know how to put things on to the Cell processor."





Sucker Punch has been hiding this little secret for quite a while, since Infamous 1 even! The mission creator will allow users to create missions (any missions) and upload them to an infamous 2 server. Users can then download the created levels and rate. Themission levels will be lit up green in the game unlike the usual blue and yellow. Missions include search and destroy, races, and even defense missions. For more info check out the Blog Post, or the trailer in the videos section. I personally cannot wait, i will be playing infamous 2 for what seems like forever. The beta goes live for certain users that registered on the main site in april. Make sure to register by March 21st.








New Powers
















 Gameplay Videos












As a game about an electric superhuman faced with moral choices, Infamous 2 sends a challenging message about the twin delusions of morality and free will: whether you pick the righteous path or the wicked one, you will end up zapping a lot of enemies.



 The original Infamous was awesome, but people definitely had gripes -- melee wasn't useful, the world wasn't varied enough, etc. Our glimpses at Infamous 2 have addressed these issues by adding Cole's cattleprod and showcasing the detail New Marais is packing, but now, Sucker Punch is taking aim at the Karma system.










*Click on Picture for Specific Bonuses and price of Special Edition






*Click picture for online purchase


SIG ONE!!!!!


*Made by me, want a custom one? LET ME KNOW!





GodofWar_3ever! - Thanks for giving me the official thread flag, ill be sure to keep it updated. Hope you like the New thread. old thread HERE

Axumblade- Thanks for the sticky! Sasha > Trish

The mod/admin that cleaned up - I know i made a mess sorry xD