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Yeah, it took me a long time to get over the line and start playing this game, but I completely love it.
I love all of the locations, and the different space societies and cities.  Like the Asari homeworld is just an amazing technological vista, while Tuchanka the Krogan homeworld is worn torn and f'd (I find there are a lot of similarities between Klingon's and the Krogan).
I just love the fact that there are so many amazing places to visit.  Omega is such an awesome place and an idea of a place - I love it, however I feel a bit enclosed in some of the areas.  Like you are restricted to where you can go and can't really 'freely roam'... it's not such a huge deal but I would like a little more freedom.  I'd also like more activity with NPC's in the world - everyone should have a back story, everyone should be active and doing something, instead of always just standing in the same position forever... perhaps that's not really in the realms of possibility yet technology wise, but we're heading in that direction right?
Love the music, the atmosphere, the main characters, the graphics at 2560x1600 with 4xAA at 60fps locked... wow it looks incredible on my PC :)