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fighter said:
zgamer5 said:
fighter said:
FinalEvangelion said:

I'm glad I didn't listen to Meta, "the ultimate infalliable measure of quality," for Legend of Dragoon.

Just as reviewers opinions are dispersed on a scale of opinion the perception of the said game by an indivudual is equally varied.

Fans' opinions are dispersed  too but the more a game drags haters and/or fanatics the more it's average will be altered.

from your sig we can know that you dont think that mw2 is over rated.

end of discussion no one should be arguieng with you.


1/ I would give modern warfare 2 a decent 9 - you have to consider the genre of the game as well

2/ then don't...

what genra? unbalanced mp, hacks and a terrible campaign.

Being in 3rd place never felt so good