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Great thread!!!  I love stuff like this.

I think Isaac would have difficulty surving in the RE universe because he would have to adjust to bullets, not minning tools and he would loose stasis.  Isaac without his minning tools would completely change his character.  I know he can keep his old weapons but earth wouldn't have the ammo and stasis stations to refill.  Plus, he's going insane and zombies may push him over the edge.  Plus, he'd have to get used to not being able to shoot and walk at the same time.

Jill and Chris, I dunno.  It depends if they can get used to walking and shooting at the same time.  They would also have to adjust to new weapons because the Ishimaru(I know it's spelled wrong) doesn't have bullets as far as I know.  Also, it would depend on how long it takes for them to start going insane and wether they can hold it off.  I think they could adjust though cause they've killed some pretty difficult enemies standing still, imagine what they can do walking.