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I love portal. It's a breath of fresh air and full of great humor.

I loved Half life, OF, Blueshift, HL2, Ep1 & Ep2 they were all great games the top of there class.

But I don't believe the development of Portal or even the left for dead series had  much impact on the time it has taken to bring HL3 to market. The time between HL and HL2 was about 6 years. Valve simply has a very strong case of Nintendo syndrome - it HAS to be perfect and ground breaking before it's released.


I "believe" Portal 2 and left for dead series are done by different teams to the ones working on HL2: Ep3 (and Hopefully there will eventually be a HL3.) I read that Valve has greatly expanded in recent years.

As far as Halflife 3 is concerned I can tell you in two words what the true evil that has delayed it for so many years - " Episodic gaming"

I have made my peace with it due to the Orange Box.

I'm sure going to enjoy Portal 2 - I just hold on to the belief that they are working hard on HL2:3 and maybe soon after we will be surprised with HL3 on a brand new engine?  HL2 eventually came - I have faith.


Playing : PC  AOE, DiRT 2, Runes of Magic, Wings of Prey & Planetside 2  

Wii U : Nintendoland, Super Mario U  & Fifa 2013 demo

DS : Guitar Hero : On Tour

Formerly unknown as Vengi