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radiantshadow92 said:
jarrod said:
radiantshadow92 said:

Wow, and here everyone though Sony was going to lose. 

Sony already "lost".  The files are already out there and even being mirrored by Universities now.  This whole exercise is more about trying to save face and show the shareholders they're taking action.  

If they can make an example out of a hacker and expand the powers of the DCMA, even better. That's a double edged sword though, if Sony loses at trial it could impede the DCMA (which would be fantastic for consumer's rights) and their case at the moment is pretty weak, which is why they're casting such a wide net and fishing for anything they can really go after Geohotz for.

I was talking about the trial. Everyone thought they were going to lose, yet they won....the trial...

No they didn't?  The trial hasn't even started yet.