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dharh said:
Cunning_Linguist said:
greenmedic88 said:

3G access will only be available to those paying a monthly subscription fee.

Ergo, anyone who wants that functionality, will be paying for it. Those who don't, won't have access regardless of whether their device is 3G enabled or not.

Anyone who thinks such access is available for free probably doesn't have a firm grasp of how these services work.

The developer decision to create a program that depends upon mobile 3G access is based upon a variety of factors, including the fact that only a percentage of NGP users will be paying subscribers.

If only a percentage of SKUs are 3G enabled, and only a percentage of 3G enabled SKUs have people subscribing to the service, where is the incentive for a developer to invest in that?

I'm fully aware that 3G requires a monthly outlay however they are limiting themselves buy only offering that option to the one SKU that will likely be the most expensive. Monthly outlay over and above the existing higher cost means people will go for the 3G-less option which means, as I said above, lack of developer support for that particular aspect of the console.

My point really is, the "asynchronous gaming" idea is a really good selling point and its a shame that it will likely go largely untapped.

Um. The question is what are developers investing in? Online connectivity? Wifi can handle that just as well if not better than 3G. Asynchronous gaming can be handle also by both 3G and Wifi. I can't possibly understand why people want 3G in their PSP2 in the first place, even if wifi is not 'everywhere'. Wifi solutions are appearing everwhere. Cars, businesses, cell phones, etc.

This is what I'm talking about

Andrew House: It might depend on the game. One area that I'm particularly excited about is the idea of asynchronous gaming, whereby the game experience is existing either on a PS3 or on your NGP, and then the 3G ability is the real-time, you know, "you're under attack, you've got to go do something"; messaging, just keeping that link with you, which clearly is not very heavy in terms of data traffic, but creates a whole different sense to the experience.


Continuous link to a game running on your PS3 wherever you are. I travel a lot for work and often to places that are in the middle of the countryside where I have periods with nothing to do for a few hours sometimes. This kind of functionality would be awesome for me but will probably be unlikely for the reasons I have stated above. I hope developers do account for people that may not have access to wi-fi but have 3G, I really do, but I can see them not wanting to waste time or money on it.

I guess I'm in the minority but you can't deny, if there is a lack of userbase there is a lack of investment and as I said what would be the point of having the 3G enabled device at all then.