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micheal 5- forza is probably the second most bundled game for xbox 360

forza and odst bundle

forza and lego batman budle

free forza 3 with xbox 

and a lot more that i don't even remember btw forza and gears are coming late in the year when killzone,lbp,socom,dc universe coming out early in the year and agent,uncharted,resistance are gonna come out later in the year and most likely games like halo remake won't come out even if it does come out those 3 games aren't gonna pass 10 million when games like uncharted can do 3.5 million at the least here's my though on how ps3 and xbox exclusives are gonna sell

uncharted 3: 3.5 million

killzone 3: 2.5 million

lbp 2: 3 million

resistance 3: 1.5-2 million

agent: 3 million

socom: 1.5million

dc universe: .6 million

= around 16 million

gears 3: 4 million

forza 4: 2-2.5 million

kinect games-2.5 million

halo remake- 2.5 million-3million ( remakes never sell that good)

= around 11 million

my reason why xbox exclusives won't outsell ps3 exclusives