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Lets just look at reception

I think we can all agree that the forums and gaming websites everywhere were going much more bonkers and crazy when the 3DS was unvealed at E3, compared to the NGP shown today.

While yes that was at E3 so more people paying attention, but also being at E3 it had competition for the lime light.  Meanwhile the NGP is the only thing today at all.

Now then lets look at stores and consumers. A customer (non-internet-gamer-follower, basically not us) goes up and is curious about these two systems.  they are then shown both of the kiosk, or whateve ryou call the handheld version of that.

3DS - they are shown great graphics and most importantly its amazingly in 3D without glasses

NGP - they are shown amazing graphics, and bout it.


While yes the 3DS and NGP have many many extra features and new things, especially probably the NGP has more.  But is it easy to showcase all thse features of 3G, touch back and front, all games, psn downloadables, gyroscope, ect.  No its not.  They will see both systems, one with more advanced looking graphics, whilethe other is in 3D somehow.  Then they will look at price.