disolitude said:
http://www.gottabemobile.com/2010/10/04/ballmer-androids-not-free-because-of-license-fees-to-microsoft/ http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2010/apr10/04-27mshtcpr.mspx http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/news/2010/10/microsoft-sues-motorola-citing-android-patent-infringement.ars Not to mention - http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/217364/google_copied_java_in_android_expert_says.html http://www.engadget.com/2010/03/02/apple-specifically-going-after-android-in-htc-lawsuit/ Putting android on 40 million PS3s already sold would be a huge court battle or a 500 million dollar investment in pattent fees for sony. |
For sake of argument let's assume you're right and all these Android devices pay MS fees, well Sony is already doing it with Sony Ericcson phones, PSPhone, TVs, bluray players, etc AND the new NGP/PSP2 .... what makes you think they wouldn't do it with the PS3 to ensure full compatability and increased value in its premier home device?