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Man what a crappy article I would have at least liked to see some journalistic work go into it. It is an opinion peice and not a very good one at that. None of his reasons hold water, not even Apple could kill Nintendo. They are far from doomed and with 3DS and the next console around the corner I can't wait for this guy to eat his words.

Honestly MSN, this is bad. it really damages your reputation to publish opinion peices like this. This belongs on a forum or something not in an article on a news site. Maybe if they rephrased the article saying "Nintendo to loose market share in the future to Apple Corp" then if they provided sales stats and such this would be a valid article, news worthy.

But this isn't factual, its barely even based on fact. Its just some over paid under worked journalists opinion. Give me some facts to back up your next article MSN!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer