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New interview with Nomura

Famitsu now has their interview up with Tetsuya Nomura on Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Most of the stuff has already been said from Dengeki. So here are Anoop's translations on what has not been said.

  • Your characters in Versus will not have jobs. However, your enemies will include dragon knights (or dragoons if you prefer) and summoners.
  • There is a summoning element to the game.
  • Your weapon selection will include: swords, axes, spheres, hand guns, machine guns, rifles, bazookas, and shot guns. This is just a partial list, though.
  • The Ignis character (the guy with the glasses) is good with assist-style attacks. He can toss knives at enemies. (Note: I'm not sure if Nomura actually uses the Ignis name, or if it's just the person who wrote the summary.)
  • The character with the scar on his face uses a fighting style. He can make use of a pile bunker and broad sword.
  • The blonde character is a gunner
  • The game will have positional damage elements for attacking enemies.
  • Larger enemies will have weak points.
  • The game does not have team attacks for your party members. Repeat: does not.
  • You can combo your attacks across character changes -- that is, you can keep your combo going when you switch the character you're currently controlling. As an example, you can make the scarfaced character do positional damage with his hammer, then switch to Ignis, or you can make the enemy shrink away in fear from Ignis's magic then call in another character to attack.
  • You can bring party members back to life if they die. The exception is Noctis. If he dies, the game ends
  • The difficulty is being set towards the high end.