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Honestly I would have called the police and then come back to help. I have never been in that bad of a situation before.

However I was at the mall once and a guy grabbed a girl and she pulled away and started running. I was in her way so she stopped and the guy came up to her. The guy was like "Hey your going to listen to me" and she told him to leave her alone and he grabbed her and began pulling her. I stepped in and grabbed his arm, I then told her that this was harrasment and stalking and if he didn't leave her alone I would have to call the police. The guy got in a verbal argument with me telling me to mind my own buisness, alittle fowl language flew around and he left without incident.

Another time I was in my apartment and heard banging in the unit below. I then heard a man yelling I'm going to fucking kill you. After he repeated a few times I decided to call the police. The Police told me several calls had come in from other apartments in my building and that a unit was on the way. (So sometimes others do act).

However I'm not the average person, I wanted to become a cop or soldier. I ended up becoming a security guard. I don't know why I want to fight injustice and be a cop but I do. So I can't be considered the average guy. Also a few years ago a women was getting beaten to a pulp by a group of thugs, a guy walked by and decided to put a stop to it, the women got away but the man was beaten to a bloody pulp he got brain damage and was fucked for life.

In this case you bring up I have a feeling the students watching were friends of the criminals in question. Considering the report says they laughed and took pictures it hardly sounds like they were just witnesses. They were all probubly in on it in some way or another or at least complacent. Also the fact that none of them reported the incident to police I'd have to assume they were in on it to a degree!


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