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Yeah, society is pretty fucked up. I try my best to stop and help someone out when possible and I find that when I do, I actually get odd looks instead of any thanks. Just a few examples:

- Little kid walking around crying by himself, he walks into the car park across from the store, no adults in site, I run out and grab the kid to pull him out of the way of the cars going about. I walked him around the corner to take him to Info and I find his mum freaking out in front of the post office. She didn't say anything, just grabbed the kid, gave me a weird look and started yelling at him and walking off. I've found that if your above the age of 16 and male, everyone thinks your a kidnapper, rapist or paedophile, it's one of the main reasons why most men don't stop to help out women or children.

- Found a Labrador just limping around a park one day, heaps of people around and not one person thought to get check on it or at least call the RSPCA (animal services). I followed him, called the RSPCA, tried to keep him around until they came by and he was taken away to be fixed up. I love animals, I've saved birds and I've taught my dogs to never attack them in the backyard (otherwise I'd kick their ass and they won't get dinner), but most people are absolute dicks when it comes to any sort of responsibility that doesn't benefit them.

- Kid walks into the glass door in front of Coles, no one stopped to help, I helped him and checked him out, he seemed fine and he went on his way. Heaps of people just walking by, waiting for someone else to do something.

These examples aren't here to show how nice I am, but it does show a few situations were people are just dicks. I'll also admit that I do sometimes hesitate, because I do worry that some parent might freak out that I helped their kids out, only because they think I might be a kidnapper or something.

Here's a really good article on a recent case:

Also, the Bystander Effect sucks as well.



Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.