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Konami have hit a sweet spot with their survival horror games, Saw and Homecoming didn't set the charts on fire, but they've come out and said that both franchises on the HD consoles have been profitable (that's why we got a SAW 2). I'm guessing Silent Hill: Downpour is going to be produced at a low cost and so it'll probably be profitable with about 400,000 units sold. It also helps that Downpour is being developed in the Czech Republic by a relatively new team made up of some talented former 2k developers. 

I think one of the largest misconceptions going around on this forum is that if a game is in HD, it's going to have a massive budget and it's going to have to sell a million units, when it's obviously not true. Stupid publishers surrounded by untalented developers are the reasons why some games have over bloated budgets, but are horrible games. Developers like Zombie. Inc, From Software, Epic, Naughty Dog, 4A Games, Sucker Punch, Access Games, Media Molecule and pretty much any mid sized PC developer is making bank on great games, that have pretty low budgets.

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.